Trolling over deep water

Trolling over deep water is very successful especially in autumn. Prey slowly start to gather to large schools and move over deep water to their winter habitats.

Not far away, the hungry predators are lurking – Just waiting for that school to come across, so it can have a feast. The goal of the predators is to get really fat before the upcoming winter and spawning season.

For us as anglers one of the best times of the year comes to us and we have to use it.


How do we proceed?

When searching large areas, we use trolling. For this we use big lures that form a neat silhouette like our 3D Burbot in 36cm or the 4D Line Thru Trout. In addition to the size, the natural look and the run comes into play which makes the pike and zander bite.

Paravans allow you to fish with several rods at the same time and spread out lures across a big area. The rods used should not be too tight to prevent the clips from being triggered by waves. I prefer to use the Savage Gear 2 Trolling Rods either with standard rigging or as inline models.


If you are fishing with multiple rods you should vary the lure and the depth of the rod. With simple hook-in rods you can get your lures a little deeper and maybe on some days you'll catch a few more fish. There are no rules - most of the time it helps to watch the echo sounder and to see in which depth prey are exactly. It will be much easier to present your lures, when knowing where the prey are.

My trolling speed window is between 2,5 and 3,5kmh. If the boat is too fast in idle speed you can use a bucket to slow down the boat. If we proceed in this way, sooner or later the desired success will be achieved.

As I said, drive over deep water and do not just drag on the edges of the water and you will be surprised what kind of monsters are lurking there.
